Keep your environment clean. Do not allow to collect garbage near your community. Also keep the drains unclogged and preferably with a screen cover. Both are main sources of germs and, consequently, of the diseases. Encourage all residents to use trash cans rather than throwing pieces of trash on the roadside.
Keep your green. This means that you have to plant more trees and more. This ensures a good supply of oxygen, which helps to calm the atmosphere. The shade trees and the pleasant aroma of fruit and flowers, also help to improve the air. Encourage residents to plant and flower garden and vegetables, as well as trees. Maintaining a small container garden also is strongly recommended.
Another important aspect is to keep the atmosphere civil. Shouts, screams, the fight is very indecent and give the 'impression of coarseness. The resulting stress and fear cause residents to become depressed and not caring for their environment. Therefore, along with keeping the environment clean and green, keep it quiet too. All residents should also help when a section or neighborhood is the development of this plague.
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